Career Opportunities at Martin Army Community Hospital - Fort Benning, GA
Federal Employment Benefits
Cost-of-Living Allowance: 14% above Base Salary
Basic Life Insurance
Health Insurance with Vision and Dental Coverage options Federal Retirement Plan (Social Security based and portable)
Long-Term Care
Thrift Savings Plan (401(k) style)
Paid Sick and Vacation Leave
Paid Federal Holidays (10)
Paid Training Opportunities
Free Parking
Application Procedures
View and apply for actual vacancies for positions not listed below (as well as DHA and EHA) on the USAJobs website:
Healthcare positions: The Medical Cell (MEDCELL) provides recruitment services for full-time, permanent healthcare positions for Martin Army Community Hospital, and all Army Medical Treatment Facilities, in the medical occupations listed below. These series are covered by a Direct Hire Authority which allows non-competitive appointments of new civil service employees.
To apply for any of the positions below or for more information, please visit the MEDCELL website: or call toll-free 1-877-880-2184.
Counseling Psychologist (Army Substance Abuse Program)
Counseling Psychologist (General)
Dental Assistant
Dental Hygienist
Dental Lab Technician
Dentist (Dental Officer)
Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist
Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist (Mammography)
Dietician / Nutritionist
Industrial Hygienist
Licensed Practical Nurse
Nursing Assistant
Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist
Physician / Doctor (Medical Officer)
Physicians Assistant
Psychology Technician
Registered Nurse
Respiratory Therapist
Social Services Assistant
Social Worker (Army Substance Abuse Program)
Social Worker (Family Advocacy Program)
Social Worker (General)
Speech Pathologist
Select ‘Employment’ then ‘Search for Jobs’ and enter your search criteria (you can limit the search to Georgia). Click on the job announcement number to view specific information for that position such as duties, eligibility and how to apply. Each job announcement contains specific application instructions, so please read carefully.
Army Medical Command Expedited Hiring Authority (EHA)
EHA is a delegated authority to recruit and appoint qualified U.S. citizens directly into the competitive service for shortage category and/or critical need health care occupations. MEDCOM is working with the Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) in accordance with CHRA Memorandum, Expedited Hiring Authority (EHA) for Medical Positions – CHRA Guidance Memorandum No. 1599c-15-CGM-1, May 19, 2015, on the use of the EHA. External recruitment will be conducted using EHA in lieu of delegated examining unit procedures.
What occupational series fall under EHA external recruitment?
The CHRA Medical EHA Code List shows the series and office (MEDCELL or CPAC) responsible for recruitment and the receipt of the Request for Personnel Action (RPA). The “Notes” section of the RPA should reflect the position as a “medical EHA position” and identify the position description number for the recruit action and any selective placement factors necessary for the position. Office conducting EHA external:
If you have further questions regarding the job application process or specific vacancies at MACH, please contact Civilian Human Resources:
Series Occupational titles
180 Psychologist
181 Psychology Technician
185 Social Worker
186 Social Service Assistant
601 Chiropractor and Cytotechnologist
603 Physician’s Assistant
621 Nursing Assistant
630 Dietitian/Nutritionist
631 Occupational Therapist
633 Physical Therapist
636 Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant
644 Medical Technologist
651 Respiratory Therapist
661 Pharmacy Technician
662 Optometrist
665 Audiologist/ Speech Pathologist
667 Orthotist/Prosthetist
668 Podiatrist
680 Dentist
681 Dental Assistant
682 Dental Hygienist
683 Dental Lab Tech
Series Occupational titles
640 EMT and Paramedic
642 Nuclear Medicine Technician
645 Medical Technician
648 Therapeutic Radiologic Technologist
649 Medical Instrument Technician
669 Medical Records Administrator
671 Health System Specialist
675 Medical Records Technician
690 Industrial Hygienist
858 BioEngineer and Biomedical Engineer
Where do I apply for EHA positions?
All announcements will be posted to USAJOBS and open to all U.S. citizens which meets public notice requirements for positions filled under this authority. Public notification can be on a one-time basis or through an open continuous announcement. Announcements are open for a minimum of one day. A USA Staffing occupational questionnaire will be used as part of the job announcement. This not preclude identification of a “name request”. All candidates, including name requests, must apply to the official public notice posted.
The following statement will be included in the vacancy announcement:
“This position is being filled under the EHA for Shortage Category and/or Critical Need Health Care Occupations.”
How is EHA different from Direct-Hire Authority (DHA)?
DHA is an appointing (hiring) authority that the Office of Personnel Management gives to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring need or severe shortage of candidates exists. DHA expedites hiring by eliminating competitive rating and ranking, veterans' preference, and "rule of three" procedures.
The following occupations can be filled under DHA:
Series Occupational titles
602 Medical Officer/Physician
610 Nurse
620 Practical Nurse
660 Pharmacist
647 Diagnostic Radiologic Technologist
701 Veterinarian (GS11-15)
2210 Information Security (GS09 and above)
How do I file a complaint of Prohibited Personnel Practices (PPPs) to the Office of Special Counsel?
Prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) are employment-related activities that are banned in the federal workforce because they violate the merit system through some form of employment discrimination, retaliation, improper hiring practices, or failure to adhere to laws, rules or regulations that directly concern the merit system principles. For more information visit the Office of Special Counsel website at .
Contact Information
Phone:762-408-0371 or 0489.
Hours:Mon, Tue, Wed, & Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Thu: 7:30 a.m. - noon
Location:Bldg 9250
Basement (Room BB-321)
Fort Benning, GA 31905