Martin Army Community Hospital (MACH) Labor and Delivery (L&D) will be on full divert status (emergency OB care only) starting November 1 for the next 30-120 days due to an OB nursing shortage. During this time, MACH L&D will have very limited staff and will only be able to support obstetric emergencies. Most newborns will need to be delivered at one of our civilian network hospitals.  Labor and Delivery Page

Health Services

Otolaryngology (ENT)

Otolaryngologists (ENT) are physicians trained in the medical and surgical management of diseases of the ears, sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity, and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face, in both children and adults. Patients are seen at the Clinic via referrals from any primary care provider or from other specialists within the healthcare system.

Contact Us


762-408-2273 Specialty Clinics


Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed all Federal and Martin Army Community Hospital Training Holidays


Bldg 9250
2nd Floor, Oak Ridge Clinic

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