About Us

Clinical Operations


Beneficiary Counselor and Assistance Coordinator (TRICARE)

The Beneficiary Counselor and Assistance Coordinators (BCACs) are available to provide advice and counseling regarding health benefits and benefit options available from military facilities and other sources. This advice is given to military personnel, their family members and retired service personnel and their family members. For any questions concerning benefits, BCACs are available to answer questions and help solve TRICARE-related problems. The BCAC Office is located in the Beneficiary Services Office on the 1st Floor, Main Concourse. 

Patient Representative/Advocate

The patient advocate serves as the liaison between patients and the hospital staff. Patients are encouraged to contact the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge or the Clinic Practice Manager to resolve disputes or concerns. However, if the matter cannot be resolved, a patient advocate will be happy to assist you. Patients may visit Patient Advocates, reach them by phone or through the ICE system to address concerns, comments or compliments. The Patient Advocate office is located in the Beneficiary Services Office on the 1st Floor, Main Concourse.

Referral Management

Referral Management tracks all referrals to specialty care in and out of Martin Army Community Hospital. Referral Management manages specialty care referrals sent to TRICARE, civilian providers, or other Military Hospitals that cannot be seen at Martin Army Community Hospital (MACH). Referral Management manages Right of First Refusal (ROFR) requests from TRICARE. Referral management coordinates with specialty clinics regarding requests from other Military Hospitals. Referral Management reviews referrals for medical necessity and appropriateness of level of care. Referral Management Consult Coordinators can assist patients with questions regarding referrals. The Referral Management Consult Coordinators Office is located in the Beneficiary Services Office on the 1st Floor, Main Concourse. 

Enrollment Services

Enrollment Services is responsible for providing beneficiaries and staff with information on enrollment status such as eligibility and enrolled Primary Care Manager’s (PCM). Additionally, Enrollment Services enroll TRICARE for Life (TFL) beneficiaries into MACH TRICARE Plus program. Enrollment Services is responsible for managing 134 PCM's and over 49,000 beneficiaries that are assigned to the PCM’s. The Enrollment Services Office is located in the Beneficiary Services Office on the 1st Floor, Main Concourse.

Patient and Family Partnership Council

Martin Army Community Hospital is looking for volunteers!

We want to invite you to apply to join the MACH Patient and Family Partnership Council (PFPC). PFPCs were established to identify and implement positive system improvements within the hospital. These improvements will then be provided as recommendations to the Defense Health Agency (DHA) for Military Health System wide implementation to improve the patient experience in support of High Reliability Organization principles.

DHA guidance requires the PFPC to include members from a diverse patient demographic of the hospital such as: active duty personnel, active duty family members, retirees, retiree family members and TRICARE Plus or TRICARE for Life beneficiaries.

If interested, please complete an application and return it to the MACH Information Desk to be considered for membership. Thank you for your support in these matters.

Central Appointment Line

To schedule a primary care appointment at Martin Army Community Hospital, please call our Appointment Line at 762-408-CARE (2273). Patients who are experiencing an emergent medical situation should report to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!