Quality Management
Mission & Vision
Provide best practices in our departmental core activities to meet the needs of our customers.
A department which is a role model for effectiveness, efficiency, and process improvement in all we do.
Risk Management & Patient Safety Office
Population Serviced
Beneficiaries at Ft. Benning, Martin Army Community Hospital, and Troop Medical Clinics at Dahlonega, Georgia; Anniston, Alabama; and Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Pertinent Patient Information
This office is responsible for the implementation, management, and monitoring of the National Patient Safety Goals set by The Joint Commission. Through the use of rigorous proactive and reactive analysis of the many complex medical processes and systems used by the staff of Martin Army Community Hospital while providing your healthcare, the Risk Management/ Patient Safety staff constantly strives to ensure the organization protects its patients from being harmed by the effects of the healthcare services it provides. The staff of the Risk Management/ Patient Safety Office educates the staff and patients of Martin Army Community Hospital on the prevention of medical errors; and should errors occur, this office will take immediate action to minimize a reoccurrence. Should you have comments or concerns regarding your safety while at Martin Army Community Hospital, please feel free to contact the Risk Management/ Patient Safety Office at any time.
Joint Commission Office
Pertinent Patient Information
The Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized as a nationwide symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting healthcare performance standards. To earn and maintain The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval™, an organization must undergo an on-site survey by a Joint Commission survey team at least every three years.
If you believe that a situation is present at Martin Army Community Hospital that adversely affects the quality of health care being provided, or jeopardizes the safety of its patients or staff, you are encouraged to report the situation to the Hospital Headquarters or the Patient Representative Office in the lobby of Building 9250.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution, then you can report the situation directly to The Joint Commission via any of the following:
- http://www.jointcommission.org
- Go to Action Center
- Select Report a Complaint about a Health Care Organization
Electronic mail:
Office of Quality Monitoring The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oak brook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Toll-free number:
Weekdays: 8:30a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CST
You may provide your name and contact information or submit your complaint anonymously to The Joint Commission without fear of retaliatory actions.
Martin Army Community Hospital will take no disciplinary action for reporting safety or quality of care concerns to The Joint Commission.
Infection Prevention and Control Office
Pertinent Patient Information
This office is responsible for the creation, implementation, management, and monitoring of the MEDDAC Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) program. The focus of the IP&C program is to minimize the transmission of infections to all our customers, inpatients or outpatients and to MACH staff. You can assist us by covering your cough, performing frequent hand hygiene, and reminding all MEDDAC staff to perform hand hygiene before and after they care for you. Inform your nurse if you need to talk to the staff of the IP&C program during your admission. Should you have comments or concerns regarding the IP&C program at MACH, please feel free to contact the Infection Prevention & Control Office at any time.
Credentials & Performance Improvement Office
Pertinent Patient Information
This office is responsible for the credentialing and privileging of all MEDDAC providers. In addition, the Chief coordinates all performance improvement initiatives for the MEDDAC.