30th Adjutant General Reception Battalion Health Clinic
5251 Johnston Dr., Fort Benning, GA 31905
Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
The 30th AG Reception Battalion processes new recruits into the Army from active duty, Reserve, and National Guard. We mini-register new recruits into Health Care Systems (CHCS) and compile their initial medical record. Orders are then placed for laboratory specimens to include various titers, DNA, Blood Type and HIV. The recruits then receive the required baseline vaccinations and blood draws on Day 1 of processing. On Day 3 they return for PPD reading as well as any needed vaccinations indicated by their titer reads. All of the received vaccinations are then entered into MEDPROS as well as in an AHLTA encounter. We also screen for outdated physical exams and update profiles that are incorrect from MEPS. We identify individuals who do not meet entry level standards under AR 40-501. This past year we processed approximately 37,000 soldiers.
We are the only Reception Battalion that sees sick-call for those soldiers processing. Acute care is provided by an open access walk-in system. We devise treatment plans based on history, physical exam and laboratory or radiological studies to determine duty status; referring to a higher level as indicated. Also the staff is tasked to provide support to DWC details and weekend sick call.