
Winder TMC

5331 41st Inf Regt Rd, Fort Benning, GA 31905


Monday - Friday: 6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Saturdays: 7:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

Located on Sand Hill at Fort Moore, provides acute, wellness, and continuity care to IET (Initial Entry Training) Soldiers of the 192nd and 198th Infantry Brigades. Included in these brigades are the 14-week OSUT (One-Station-Unit-Training) Infantry Soldiers and other 9-week Basic Trainees with Support MOSs (Military Occupational Specialties) who will complete AIT (Advanced Initial Training) elsewhere. Over 35,000 soldiers are processed through Sand Hill yearly, and close to 100% of these soldiers are seen at Winder TMC for Sick Call, vaccinations, and Airborne / Special Forces Physicals. Also conducted are various administrative visits, separations, and Medical Boards. Due to the very high number of Soldiers that must be seen at Winder on a weekly basis, the “Flow Cell” protocol is utilized. Flow Cell, developed based on concepts of “Lean Six Sigma,” places the right job in the hands of the right person, eliminating wasted work and maximizing efficiency of all. This allows the vast majority of Soldiers to return to their units rapidly, preventing valuable missed training time. All Soldiers are seen on a walk-in basis. Winder TMC also includes several auxiliary departments including Optometry, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Laboratory, and Radiology thus often permitting one-stop care and same-day disposition.

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