Health Services

Soldier Recovery Unit

Mission and Vision


  • Provide all Warriors in Transition the best possible care from reception through disposition, whether return to duty or separation from Service.
  • Provide a single Chain of Command to the Soldier and Family members throughout the care process.
  • Provide a knowledgeable and caring Chain of Command capable and committed to treating our soldiers and their Families with honor and respect.


Provide the commensurate quality of life, quality of healthcare services and quality of leadership which matches the quality of service and sacrifice made by our sick, injured and wounded warriors in transition and their families.

The Army is transforming warrior care…

. . . through a commitment to wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, at home and in battle. The Warrior Transition Battalion provides command and control, primary care, and case management for warriors who have suffered injury or illness while serving as a member of the U.S. Army. We ensure the each Service Member receives the appropriate medical care and administrative processing that is needed to return to duty. Return to their units or their community and their Families in a timely manner and with respect.

Battalion Commander’s Intent

It is my intent to establish a Warrior Transition Battalion that provides quality of care and support to our Warriors in Transition and their families from point of injury, illness or disease to their return to duty or transition from active duty. We will do this by synchronizing the existing care and services available and provide a knowledgeable and caring Triad and Chain of Command capable and committed to treating our Soldiers and their families with honor and respect.

Means to Achieve our Mission

  1. Build Trust & Confidence
  2. Build Honor and Respect
  3. Restore Health, Strength and Hope


Contact Us



762-408-3452 / 3432


706-573-3688 / 706-604-7543

Wounded Soldier & Family Hotline - available 24/7


MEDDAC Information Desk (AOD/SDNCO)- available 24/7


SRU Staff Duty (SDO)- available Weekdays 1600-0800hrs and 24/7 on Weekends



M-F: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.



Bldg 9250
2nd Floor, Upatoi Clinic


7919 Marne Road
Bldg 9257
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!