Martin Army Community Hospital (MACH) Labor and Delivery (L&D) will be on full divert status (emergency OB care only) starting November 1 for the next 30-120 days due to an OB nursing shortage. During this time, MACH L&D will have very limited staff and will only be able to support obstetric emergencies. Most newborns will need to be delivered at one of our civilian network hospitals.  Labor and Delivery Page

Patient Resources

System for Health


Healthcare in the United States is at a turning point, and Army Medicine has an opportunity to lead the nation in improved patient outcomes and Army readiness. While the wounds of war have been and will continue to be their to mend and heal, Army Medicine looks forward to transforming from a Healthcare System to a System for Health.

The Army Medicine 2020 Campaign Plan established the framework through which the Army Medicine Department (AMEDD) will achieve its 2020 goals and ensure its forces are ready to met current and emerging medical support requirements.

System for Health is a partnership among Soldiers, Families, Leaders, Health Teams and Communities to promote Readiness, Resilience and Responsibility.


About one-third of life is spent working, another third with Family and friends and other third sleeping. Providers see patients on average about 100 minutes out of one year (525,60 minutes). Health occurs in the Lifespace, or in other words, the 525,500 minutes spent away from the doctor’s office. A person’s Lifespace can be shaped by making wise choices.

Maintain, Restore and Improve Health

Maintaining health describes daily efforts across Army Medicine which help our Soldiers and their Families maintain health. Restoring health describes our efforts once illness or injury occur and improving health describes our efforts throughout Army Medicine to turn the "Health" dial of our patients in the right direction.

Performance Triad

The Performance Triad is composted of Sleep, Activity and Nutrition and will be the foundation for Army Medicine’s transformation to a System For Health. Outreach and intervention programs based upon these three components will identify gaps and bring together a synchronized action plan to restore and improve the Health of the Force for the Army and Army Medicine beneficiaries. 



Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS!