
Eglin Troop Medical Clinic #4 

4315 N El Salvador Way, Eglin AFB, FL 32542


Monday -Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Provides acute and longitudinal outpatient care to active duty Soldiers assigned or attached to 7th SFG (A) and to eligible individuals training or working with 7th SFG (A) at Eglin AFB, FL. Care includes all illnesses and outpatient procedures normally treated by credentialed board eligible or board certified Family physicians, emergency medicine physicians, internists and supervised physician assistants. Acute, routine and follow up care is provided via same day walk-in appointments and physicals are scheduled by appointment. Other services offered include behavioral health care, physical therapy, acupuncture, USA John F Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School physicals, Aviation physicals and other routine physicals. The clinic also has an extensive Soldier Readiness Process mission with a focus on Soldier readiness and a continuous deployment cycle for 7th SFG (A). Emergencies are referred to emergency services at local hospitals. When a patient's care exceeds the capabilities offered by TMC #4, the patient is referred to 96th Medical Group at Eglin AFB or to TRICARE contract services for outpatient specialty care.

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Military Health System Nurse Advice Line: 1-800-874-2273

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